关于「 but into」的内容列表

CPI cooled down across the board and pulled gold, but PPI became a roadblock! Powell didn't talk about the time to cut interest rates, but the market has already rushed ahead? Crude oil stopped rising for four weeks, and the Japanese authorities are suspected of intervening again... What stimulus markets did you miss this week?

CPI cooled down across the board and pulled gold, but PPI became a roadblock! Powell didn't talk about the time to cut interest rates, but the market has already rushed ahead? Crude oil stopped rising for four weeks, and the Japanese authorities are suspected of intervening again... What stimulus markets did you miss this week?

2024-07-13 04:52:15
CPI cooling down the whole line to pull the explosion of gold, PPI has become a roadblock! Powell did not talk about the time to cut interest rates, but the market has already rushed? The seven giants evaporated nearly 600 billion dollars overnight, and Japan is suspected of intervening again... What stimulus market did you miss this week?

CPI cooling down the whole line to pull the explosion of gold, PPI has become a roadblock! Powell did not talk about the time to cut interest rates, but the market has already rushed? The seven giants evaporated nearly 600 billion dollars overnight, and Japan is suspected of intervening again... What stimulus market did you miss this week?

2024-07-12 13:48:15

7x24 快讯

06:07 2025-03-24
据官方公告,Binance 将于 2025 年 03 月 28 日 14:00(东八区时间)调整统一账户 CRV、UNI、ALGO、KSM、XTZ、XEC 资产的抵押率。此更新大约在一小时内完成。
05:54 2025-03-24
白宫正考虑对原定于 4 月 2 日执行的关税政策进行调整,拟采取更具针对性的措施,避免对特定行业加征关税,仅对贸易不平衡国家实施“对等关税”,引发市场情绪缓和。分析人士指出,尽管关税并不会直接影响加密资产价格,但市场对特朗普贸易政策带来的宏观不确定性尤为敏感。Grayscale 研究主管 Zach Pandl 表示,“政策不确定性加...
05:42 2025-03-24
Cathie Wood:ARK Invest近期逆势抄底加密货币关联资产
3月24日消息,ARK Invest创始人Cathie Wood表示,美国已陷入滚动式衰退(不同行业轮动衰退)。CathieWood对美国经济的短期前景持悲观态度,但预计美联储和特朗普政府将很快采取行动。CathieWood指出,特朗普关税重拳与裁员潮正迫使美国家庭捂紧钱包,对失业的恐惧让储蓄率飙升,消费引擎骤然熄火。她透露,方舟投资(ARK Invest)近期逆势抄底特斯拉、Coinbase与Robinh...
05:30 2025-03-24
美国财政部认为 Tornado Cash 案无需最终判决
据 Cointelegraph 报道,美国财政部表示,由于已于 3 月 21 日将加密混币服务 Tornado Cash 从制裁名单中移除,因此对其提起的法律挑战应被视为"无争议"。美国财政部...
05:27 2025-03-24
05:21 2025-03-24
BNB Chain生态DEX上周交易量达143.36亿美元,排名各链第一
05:21 2025-03-24
05:03 2025-03-24
Galaxy Digital从Binance提出1万枚ETH,约2042万美元
3月24日消息,据The Data Nerd监测,3小时前,Galaxy Digital从Binance提出1万枚ETH,约2042万美元。
04:50 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,据SoSoValue数据,上周以太坊现货ETF整体录得1.03亿美元净流出。其中,贝莱德ETHA净流出7400万美元居首,灰度迷你信托ETF ETH净流出2367万美元。唯一录得净流入的为灰度ETHE,流入287万美元。当前以太坊现货ETF总资产净值为67.7亿美元,占ETH总市值的2.84%。历史累计净流入24.2亿美元。
04:44 2025-03-24
OKX Wallet独立App在部分地区和部分设备还不可用
OKX Web3 产品负责人 Kyle 在 X 平台发文补充:“部分地区和设备用户可能还不可用,请大家再耐心等等。” 此前,Kyle 在社交媒体发文表示,“OKX Wallet 独立 App 已上架谷歌商店,搜索即可下载,上架 APP Store 正在审核中。”
04:23 2025-03-24
Solana链上AI概念币反弹,BUZZ 24小时涨超36%
04:08 2025-03-24
Mail3 宣布将于 3 月 31 日停止维护